Starting with 25 of May 2018, the European Regulation, called GDPR, came into force, valid in all EU countries.
The answer to the question “does GDPR applies to my company?” is “Yes” because all economic operators process personal data, one form or another.
Outstand Solutions can advise you on implementing GDPR in your company; on request, we can also provide you with a Data Protection Officer (DPO), responsible for personal data protection.
The processing of personal data must be brought to attention of the data subjects, but GDPR imposes a set of new rules, such as: who is responsible for data protection, the basis of the processing data, how long the data is stored etc.
Failure to comply with GDPR may lead to major sanctions: fines (4% of global turnover) or compensation (in case there are any prejudices against affected persons).
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