Fire prevention and extinguishing

Full ES services

(including necessary equipment)

Rapid implementation to comply with the law

Representation before the authorities

Special situation consultancy

ES services provided

Compulsory service according to the legislation in force and required under IGSU inspection conditions - General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and / or in case of an unfortunate emergency.
Providing booklets and other materials necessary for periodical inductions
Training the personnel based on their activity
Elaborating the Evacuation plan

Fire prevention and extinguishing along with emergency situations interventions are the second main component of an employer’s obligations. ES means much more than checking fire extinguishers, it refers to the unexpected risks that any company can face. It is essential that your employees know what to do in such an unfortunate event, know the evacuation plan and have been properly trained.

Also, ES services include everything from ES risk assessments and ES notices, to the necessary rules and measures regarding emergency situations, along with fire prevention and extinguishing.

At the same time, we are fully aware of the importance of equipping with the necessary equipment, which is why we offer you complete ES services! There is no need to call on a large number of companies, Outstand Safety Solutions provides you with everything you need to comply with the law.


Services details:

Complementary ES services provided

ES regulations

ES regulations ensure the safety of you and your employees in the event of a fire or other emergency. By following the ES regulations, the risk of a possible fire or its consequences is considerably reduced. These include equipping your company with adequate means of defence against such events and organising prevention and protection activities.

ES risk assessment

In order to take the right fire prevention and extinguishing measures, you need to have an assessment of the ES risks. This way, we can assess the actual situation in your company. We will identify and prioritise risk factors, discover their possible frequency and severity level and develop the necessary prevention and protection measures for your field of activity.

ES sheets

Employee ES training sheets are made available for your employees to complete at the time of the annual ES training conducted by our inspectors. They ensure understanding of the ES regulations, actions required in the event of a possible fire, correct completion of ES sheets and more.

PSI documentation notice

Fire prevention and extinguishing relies on proper ES training of employees. But if they get bored during training, they won't remember the rules that can save their lives. That's why we've created an easy-to-use application, both for you and your employees. They go through the ES training, test themselves and sign directly into the app.


Request the offer
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Intrebari frecvente

Conform legislatiei in vigoare, serviciul de prevenirea si stingerea incendiilor este obligatoriu, facand parte din obligativitatile angajatorului. Vino la Outstand pentru obtinerea avizelor necesare in domeniu!

Toti angajatii unei companii trebuie sa fie la curent cu normele PSI SU, pentru ca, In cazul nefericit al unei situatii de urgenta, sa cunoasca planul de evacuare si sa poata raspunde cu brio pericolelor.

Pentru a lua masurile necesare de prevenire si stingere a incendiilor, este necesara o evaluare de riscuri, pentru aprecierea si identificarea factorilor cu potential pericol, in vederea obtinerii unui aviz PSI.

Request the offer

Complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible