Our Services

OHS – Occupational Health and Safety (Labour Protection)

A service often minimized as importance, Health & Safety needs to be ensured in all companies for employee’s secu…

ES – Fire prevention and Emergency Situations

Compulsory service according to the legislation in force and required under IGSU inspection conditions – General Inspectora…

Human Resources

Of all the resources in a company, the most important resource is the human factor. As companies and their productivity gro…

Online trainings

With online learning, your employees can access content easier. Due to its convenience and flexibility, the online Health &…

Risk assessments

Mandatory documents, as required by law, neccessary in case of ITM inspection, but useful for the prevention and reduction …

Occupational Health

We can provide professional services at the best prices through our partner….


We can provide all the services required in case of ISCIR audits. In accordance with Article 35 let. a) of the Order no. 3…

Foreign employees in Romania

We provide advice according to the legislation in force, but also the drafting of documents specific to the regime of forei…


We can offer professional services at the best prices through our partner accounting firm.

Physical security risk assessment

Physical security risk analysis is, according to the legislation in force, a mandatory document for all companies that hold…

Waste management

Law no. 211/2011 on waste management sets out necessary measures to protect the environment and the health of the populatio…

Collection of non-hazardous waste

We can provide services for collecting paper, cardboard, PET and aluminum dosages, for recycling.


Starting with 25 of May 2018, the European Regulation, called GDPR, came into force, valid in all EU countries.

Complete IT services

To be part of the digital transformation, you need to turn your ideas into values ​​and reduce your launch time on the …

Microclimate and Radon

We can provide the latest generation solutions in dosimetric monitoring for people, environment, health and industry. Rado…

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